31.   I started to close the cereal boxes and wipe the counters.

32.   In the tree, Ms. Hill busies herself answering fan mail from around the nation, writing poetry on recycled cereal boxes and giving interviews.

33.   It is going to be distributed first in cereal boxes.

34.   Jim Murphy, the marketing manager for Wheaties, offered one theory as to why a boxer had never been on the cover of the cereal box.

35.   Kellogg Co., the only other co-sponsor, will run a contest on cereal boxes that offers a PowerBook as first prize.

36.   Kraft Foods Inc. said it placed stickers on millions of cereal boxes last month to cover a photograph that appeared to contain gang symbols.

37.   Kraft General Foods Inc. said it placed stickers on millions of cereal boxes last month to cover a photograph that appeared to contain gang symbols.

38.   Make Rice Krispie treats, following the directions on the cereal box.

39.   My friend the philosopher read just about everything in print, from cereal boxes to encyclopedias.

40.   My sons still eagerly search for the Quasimodo figurine in their cereal box, just as I once looked for the Sons of Liberty medallion in mine.

n. + box >>共 692
luxury 6.44%
deposit 3.92%
lunch 3.83%
shoe 2.99%
cereal 2.38%
litter 2.15%
dialog 2.09%
tee 1.89%
mail 1.57%
dialogue 1.51%
cereal + n. >>共 124
box 18.18%
maker 8.87%
price 5.54%
company 4.66%
crop 3.99%
bowl 3.55%
business 2.88%
sale 2.66%
industry 2.44%
aisle 1.77%
每页显示:    共 82