31.   He asked that the house pass the motion unanimously, a move that would avoid a more embarrassing individual censure vote by each Rajya Sabha member.

32.   He said that the censure vote would not affect the Chuan government.

33.   In a parliamentary system, a censure vote is an official expression of disapproval.

34.   Losing the censure vote would not bring down his government, but it would be an embarrassment and could expose fissures in the governing alliance.

35.   Loss of a censure vote would not bring down the Vajpayee government, but would be an embarrassment and could expose fissures in his alliance.

36.   Members of his own coalition are already jockeying to succeed him after the censure vote.

37.   One cabinet minister resigned a day before the censure vote and another junior minister offered to quit the government, raising concerns about the stability of the governing coalition.

38.   Parliament President Jose Maria Gil-Robles warned the Commission it must meet the March deadline or else face the possibility of a new censure vote.

39.   One factor aiding Chavalit is that after the censure vote is taken, Parliament is scheduled to vote on a new constitution that has widespread public support.

40.   Such a move would avoid a more embarrassing individual censure vote by each Rajya Sabha member.

n. + vote >>共 578
confidence 8.82%
voice 8.26%
no-confidence 7.99%
majority 7.97%
floor 3.29%
shareholder 3.12%
impeachment 2.83%
committee 2.49%
swing 2.43%
first-place 1.74%
censure 1.20%
censure + n. >>共 52
motion 35.37%
resolution 17.35%
vote 11.22%
debate 10.71%
proposal 3.91%
deal 2.72%
option 2.38%
alternative 1.70%
measure 1.19%
plan 1.19%
每页显示:    共 66