31.   The summonses, which carried the threat of six months in jail, were repealed following an international outcry.

32.   The statements on Pakistan seemed to carry a threat of diminished or severed ties if Islamabad does not do what the United States wants.

33.   Threats should not be made unless they can be carried out and the employee realizes that such threats could be carried out.

34.   Thus it is unclear whether Germany would carry out its threat to block a NATO force if the alternative were outright failure.

35.   Thus if the U.S. carries out its threat to block Boutros-Ghali come what may, his prospects must be bleak.

36.   To sort the hoaxes, braggadocio and emotional outbursts from the kid who might carry out threats to kill, principals interview the student and his parents.

37.   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday warned Arafat that Israel would react harshly if he carried out his threat.

38.   A fatwa can only be issued by the grand mufti, whose words do not carry the threat of punishment but have a great moral authority commanding wide respect.

39.   Although the threat never was carried out, it also sparked congressional outrage over possible retaliation.

40.   Bond investors dislike word of strength in the economy because that carries the threat of inflation, which erodes the value of fixed-income securities such as Treasuries.

v. + threat >>共 584
pose 14.12%
receive 11.61%
make 7.94%
face 4.44%
end 4.36%
take 2.23%
use 1.76%
issue 1.54%
reduce 1.44%
follow 1.39%
carry 1.38%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
threat 0.39%
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