31.   Israeli officials released again documents showing that Arafat approved payments to lists of Fatah members that included men who later carried out attacks.

32.   Lawyers for Mohamed, who was not charged in the stabbing, vigorously dispute the allegations, saying the attack was carried out by Salim alone.

33.   Murai also informed the team that the attack was being carried out at the instructions of the defendant.

34.   On the domestic front, there is concern that the Oklahoma City bombing may inspire other extremists in the United States to carry out attacks.

35.   People from the encampment deny responsibility, saying the cattle attacks are carried out by coyotes and strays dumped in the area.

36.   Police suspect the attack was carried out by a woman suicide bomber.

37.   Predominantly Muslim Pakistan and largely Hindu India have fought two wars over Kashmir, and India accuses Pakistan of supporting separatist militants who carry out attacks in the territory.

38.   Prosecutors assert that the attacks were carried out by Muslims from Tanzania, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, most of whom were trained in Afghanistan.

39.   Separatist rebels announced Tuesday that they were abandoning the Chechen capital and would carry out attacks on Russian forces from the mountains and countryside of the breakaway republic.

40.   Some candidates are so jumpy that they may be carrying their attacks a bit too far.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
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