31.   The plight of the Rwandan and Burundian refugees cut off from assistance around Goma provoked the decision Wednesday to send a multinational force to help them.

32.   The Zaireans have also forced the departure of Burundian refugees from camps around Bukavu, south of Goma.

33.   UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond said in Geneva that the Burundian refugees were fleeing massacres.

34.   Zaire Friday called on United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to evacuate Rwandan and Burundian refugees from the country, informed sources here said.

35.   Kitali camp could subsequently be used, toether with the Lukole camp, to regroup Burundian refugees in the Ngara region, Bijleveld said.

36.   On Friday, Zaire urged UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to evacuate the more than one million Rwandan and Burundian refugees from its territory.

37.   Rwandan and Burundian refugees will be discussed on the sidelines of the meeting in the presence of UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata, OAU officials said.

38.   Scores of thousands of Burundian refugees are also in Zaire.

39.   She is due Friday to visit Burundian refugees in Tanzania.

40.   Tanzania and Burundi last month launched campaigns to try and persuade Burundian refugees to return home, following the installation last November of a transitional government in Bujumbura.

a. + refugee >>共 816
palestinian 8.80%
rwandan 8.74%
afghan 5.30%
serb 4.53%
albanian 4.26%
ethnic 3.20%
political 2.98%
cuban 2.83%
bosnian 2.81%
returning 2.69%
burundian 0.56%
burundian + n. >>共 75
army 14.32%
government 10.53%
capital 10.11%
refugee 9.26%
soldier 6.53%
rebel 6.11%
official 4.84%
troop 4.42%
authority 4.00%
leader 2.74%
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