31.   Flood waters swept away shantytowns when the Umsunduse river burst its banks on Christmas day.

32.   Heavy rains and melting snow caused flooding in Germany, France and Belgium and that runoff then coursed through Dutch rivers, causing some to burst their banks.

33.   He said the flood was believed to have been caused when the Sunter river burst its banks.

34.   Heavy rains last year caused the Juba River to burst its banks, submerging farms and villages and displacing tens of thousands of people.

35.   In a report Tuesday, it said Sofala province was hardest hit when the Pongue River burst its banks due to heavy rainfall in neighboring Mozambique.

36.   In East Java, the Bengawan Solo river burst its banks and flooded thousands of houses and large areas of paddy fields in Balen and Baureno subdistricts in Bojonegoro.

37.   In Scotland, sandbags were being placed on the streets in Perth as the Tay River threatened to burst its banks.

38.   Most residents of Kerinjing village were asleep when the Sungai Baru river burst its banks early Thursday morning after six-hours of heavy seasonal rain.

39.   Nearly three weeks of heavy rain pushed the Juba River to burst its banks, submerging villages and washing away roads.

40.   Nearly three weeks of heavy rain has caused the Juba River to burst its banks, submerging villages and washing away roads.

v. + bank >>共 786
rob 3.15%
burst 2.40%
overflow 2.30%
close 2.26%
say 2.24%
leave 2.06%
buy 1.96%
help 1.57%
accuse 1.45%
break 1.45%
burst + n. >>共 74
bank 39.67%
open 12.67%
bubble 8.33%
pipe 3.33%
dam 2.67%
seam 2.67%
balloon 1.67%
eardrum 1.33%
door 1.33%
tire 1.33%
每页显示:    共 118