31.   Rolling out the red carpet to the refugees was also a bold stroke of civic self-interest.

32.   She applied makeup in bold strokes, outlining her almond-shaped eyes in black and darkening her brows.

33.   Some bold strokes and illustrious measures were required, to the point that the most valuable player was one who never touches the ball on offense.

34.   Suddenly, he picks up a paintbrush and with bold dramatic strokes begins his latest masterpiece on the canvas propped up on the easel in front of him.

35.   The bold strokes give it such depth.

36.   The entire matter was handled quietly and behind the scenes long ago, but Ballesteros has almost certainly painted it in bold strokes.

37.   The Rams and Colts on defense and the Ravens and Bucs on offense would love such a bold stroke.

38.   These would be bold strokes, indeed.

39.   They know they need a bold stroke to hang on to their House and Senate majorities.

40.   This bold stroke is no fashion statement.

a. + stroke >>共 477
mild 4.60%
putting 3.68%
bold 3.33%
broad 2.93%
single 2.87%
minor 2.87%
small 2.41%
massive 2.36%
round 2.07%
fatal 1.95%
bold + n. >>共 526
move 9.74%
step 4.84%
stroke 3.23%
statement 2.73%
prediction 2.50%
action 2.34%
color 1.95%
idea 1.56%
initiative 1.56%
plan 1.50%
每页显示:    共 58