31.   The response the body makes in an allergic attack is the same response it makes to parasites.

32.   The sanctioning body made the concessions in a bid to close the performance gap enjoyed by the rival General Motors camp.

33.   Their delicate bodies make their familial tenderness all the more touching.

34.   These drugs are copies of proteins the body naturally makes.

35.   They pioneered modern health trends by adopting a vegetarian diet, but their bodies never made the switchover to properly process their almost exclusively bamboo meals.

36.   Unilateral sanctions might violate WTO rules, a decision which the trade body will make after listening to arguments from both sides and commentary from other WTO members.

37.   Vevesca is aimed at slowing the rate at which the body makes these glycolipids, in order to balance the slower rate at which Gaucher patients destroy the compounds.

38.   Vevesca, taken orally, slows the rate at which the body makes glycolipids to balance the slower rate at which Gaucher patients destroy them.

39.   With insulin not working as effectively, the body makes more of it, said director Richard Cohen of the HMR Weight Management Program.

40.   Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief said Thursday that the federal government believes the world trade body has made a mistake in its ruling handed down last week.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
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law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
body 0.09%
body + v. >>共 960
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lie 4.33%
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remain 1.65%
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begin 1.09%
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