31.   Diplomats said the council was not expected to adopt a binding resolution on the conflict, but might authorise Kolby to issue a formal statement.

32.   The statement was seen as a compromise as it is weaker than the binding resolution Russia would have hoped for but more muscular than the text Germany wanted.

a. + resolution >>共 566
peaceful 7.63%
quick 4.49%
new 4.10%
non-binding 3.49%
similar 3.14%
council 2.98%
continuing 2.92%
final 2.44%
high 2.37%
nonbinding 2.08%
binding 1.03%
binding + n. >>共 199
arbitration 19.24%
agreement 6.22%
contract 5.18%
treaty 3.92%
resolution 3.69%
commitment 3.34%
decision 3.23%
target 2.53%
site 2.42%
limit 1.84%
每页显示:    共 32