31.   Cutting has reportedly picked up pace in current confusion over who is running the country since disputed elections in July.

32.   Ehlers, who a recent poll showed was running second in the race, said his wife had only lived seven years of her life in Peru.

33.   He scored Mark Bellhorn, who was pinch running for Jason Giambi.

34.   In the Arab world, where frustration has been running high over deadlocked Middle East peace talks, popular calls have echoed in support of Iraq.

35.   In the meantime, there was no official word on who was running the country.

36.   It will also include Carl Bildt meeting Beljina Plavsic in a bid to clarify confusion over who is running Bosnian Serb affairs.

37.   She said famed former anti-corruption prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro, who is running on the same ticket, persuaded her to join him.

38.   So who is running Zaire, the vast central African country thrust into chaos by the ethnic hatred of its neighbors to the east?

39.   The resolution adopted overwhelmingly by the National Sports Council set up a showdown with the South African Rugby Football Union on who should be running the sport.

40.   Water would flow to accommodate the evening dinner rush, when people were running their ovens, or in the afternoon when their air conditioning would come on.

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box 1.83%
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be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
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appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
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hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
run 0.54%
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