31.   He encouraged me to determine what being black meant to me.

32.   He said the publicity fliers were never approved and that a fund-raising party at the theater was not meant to imply that the play was to open as planned.

33.   His statement appeared to be meant to impress Western diplomats who have asked Milosevic to withdraw the extra troops from Kosovo as a first step to a political solution.

34.   In fact, to be Jewish meant to have a history of forced relocation due to anti-Semitism.

35.   In wildlife photography, being close usually means lugging powerful telephoto lenses and tripods into the backcountry and putting up with rotten weather, failing light and elusive subjects.

36.   It was a time when being a lobbyist meant chiefly knowing how to schmooze.

37.   Of course, for some like Netscape Communications Corp. co-founder Jim Clark, being right also means getting rich.

38.   Politics became just another business, because being a politician meant you could or could not give stamps of approval.

39.   Pollock is convinced that being a supervoter means getting more attention once politicians are in office.

40.   Surprisingly, being a writer means the most to Nance, more than any of his other roles.

v. + mean >>共 362
be 8.89%
win 3.50%
go 3.06%
do 2.33%
have 2.04%
move 2.04%
get 1.60%
use 1.46%
lose 1.31%
spending 1.17%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
mean 0.73%
每页显示:    共 61