31.   This is going to shock you, but the most prominent politician banging the drum for a rules change happens to have his eye on City Hall himself.

32.   Two men in the official pep brigade bang maroon drums that look like they came from a high school marching band.

33.   When it became clear that Bush was still safely ahead after the recount, they blew whistles, banged drums and waved American flags.

34.   Wyconda Holcomb carried no signs, banged no drums and wore a simple sweat suit with no message.

35.   As clowns turned pirouettes and released balloons, others banged drums and blew whistles.

36.   Around a corner, a mass of metal and wires coalesces to form a robot named Yoyo Berimbau, which bangs a drum and plays a string.

37.   As they marched to the Casa Rosada, where the president works, bottle rockets screeched overhead and disgruntled workers banged huge drums.

38.   At each goal, Iranians went wild all together, banging drums, blaring horns and yelling in frenzy.

39.   Banging drums and led by traditional dancers in long red and brown, carved masks, thousands of people poured into the streets to welcome Kabbah.

40.   Banging drums and led by traditional dancers wearing long red and brown, carved masks, thousands of people poured into the streets to welcome Kabbah.

v. + drum >>共 108
beat 30.30%
play 21.75%
bang 11.76%
pound 4.63%
use 1.96%
fill 1.78%
have 1.60%
make 1.43%
carry 1.25%
remove 0.89%
bang + n. >>共 136
head 21.31%
drum 12.02%
fist 4.74%
knee 4.37%
gavel 4.01%
stick 3.28%
body 2.55%
pot 2.19%
door 1.82%
ball 1.64%
每页显示:    共 66