31.   Adds background material, minor edits throughout,

32.   APTV will have coverage including background material.

33.   Colourful cosmos make an excellent background material and can be accentuated by a low-growing edging plant or other dwarf annual of contrasting colour.

34.   History and civics textbooks avoid controversy, so teachers are turning to the Internet for foreign policy and international news, downloading newspaper stories, editorials and background material.

35.   McKennitt has gone to great lengths to provide background materials on each song in the liner notes so that her listeners will be able to better understand her music.

36.   Rae said the family allowed them to use background material gleaned from the letters in the movie, but specific details were kept secret.

37.   Tom Clancy is a very professional writer, he knows his background material and he know his audience.

38.   This APTV special report also includes background material.

39.   We will also have background material on the city police preparations and the media circus.

n. + material >>共 776
construction 9.63%
source 4.26%
plant 2.67%
reference 2.39%
research 2.31%
weapon 2.15%
weapons-grade 1.87%
bomb 1.75%
course 1.59%
campaign 1.55%
background 1.55%
background + n. >>共 235
check 51.21%
music 6.61%
noise 6.23%
information 5.40%
investigation 2.13%
material 1.63%
radiation 1.46%
report 1.34%
file 0.96%
activity 0.79%
每页显示:    共 39