31.   Meanwhile, many union members have been dropping out of politics or backing GOP candidates.

32.   Nadler is among a group of lawmakers from both parties who have traveled to Florida to back their candidates.

33.   On the political front, Gingrich suffered the embarrassment of backing a candidate in a southwest Georgia congressional primary, only to see him lose.

34.   Our support will not necessarily translate into a fall endorsement, nor will it preclude backing another candidate from the same party should our first preference lose the primary.

35.   Perot said the Reform Party, which will hold a convention around Labor Day, would back candidates both for president and Congress.

36.   Reps. Nathan Deal and Johnny Isakson have not publicly backed either candidate.

37.   Richard Marlin, the legislative director of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, said his group is not yet committed to backing any candidate, much less drafting one.

38.   She also worked as the political director for a group that backed candidates who supported school vouchers.

39.   So far, the AFLC-CIO and other labor organization have shown little interest in backing any candidate before the convention.

40.   State and local parties would be allowed to receive limited soft money contributions, as long as the money was not used to back a candidate for federal office.

v. + candidate >>共 695
endorse 4.35%
support 3.78%
choose 3.58%
field 3.58%
interview 2.60%
have 2.40%
nominate 2.32%
back 2.14%
help 2.03%
select 1.83%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
每页显示:    共 108