31.   On Tuesday, two assailants hurled gasoline bombs at the Merlan synagogue also while it was under police guard.

32.   The assailants hurled an explosive device into the villa, killing the soldiers, and destroying most of the building.

33.   The latest attack occurred last week when assailants hurled Molotov cocktails into the offices of an independent weekly.

34.   The same synagogue was the target of an attack last October, when assailants hurled a Molotov cocktail at it.

35.   Three assailants hurled the molotov cocktails at three officers guarding the Merlan Synagogue in the southern port city of Marseille late Saturday, police said.

36.   Unidentified assailants hurled firebombs at the homes of two junior ministers, police said.

37.   Unknown assailants hurled firebombs Tuesday at the home of a Basque police officer, engulfing a balcony in flames but causing no injuries.

38.   Two assailants hurled gasoline bombs at a Marseille synagogue late Tuesday, that was under police guard following the burning of another Marseille synagogue on Sunday.

39.   Unidentified assailants hurled a grenade and opened gunfire on a police station in southern Serbia just outside Kosovo province, the government said Thursday.

40.   Unidentified assailants hurled incendiary devices and bombs at seven bank branches Wednesday night causing serious damage but no injuries, the Anatolia news agency reported.

n. + hurl >>共 196
protester 9.72%
demonstrator 6.22%
assailant 5.35%
youth 4.59%
attacker 3.93%
hundred 3.71%
student 3.28%
man 3.17%
militant 3.17%
fan 2.73%
assailant + v. >>共 276
be 10.50%
flee 8.80%
escape 5.81%
fire 5.16%
open 4.52%
shoot 3.99%
throw 3.40%
kill 3.35%
attack 3.17%
hurl 2.88%
每页显示:    共 49