31.   The Federal Trade Commission, which is reviewing their combination, has asked the companies for more information about their timeshare units.

32.   The Federal Trade Commission, which is reviewing their combination, has asked the companies for more information about the timeshare business.

33.   The ministry, however, asked securities companies today to recommend a coupon rate for the new bond.

34.   The local stock exchange has asked the company for an official statement before allowing trading to resume.

35.   The organization plans to ask technology companies for help in getting more computers to researchers in developing countries, she said.

36.   The Republican National Committee asked telephone companies if one could provide a secure telecommunications system in which conversations could not be intercepted.

37.   The survey asks companies whether they expect profits to be better or worse in the three months to August.

38.   The volume was so unusually high Thursday that the New York Stock Exchange asked the company for an explanation.

39.   To reduce costs, Amazon is looking increasingly at asking book companies to ship books directly to customers.

40.   We asked several companies that buy Congolese tantalum whether they knew that their business had helped to keep the war going.

v. + company >>共 734
say 2.87%
leave 2.80%
run 2.31%
buy 2.20%
sell 1.80%
sue 1.67%
accuse 1.46%
have 1.45%
base 1.45%
include 1.36%
ask 0.27%
ask + n. >>共 1068
question 29.80%
permission 2.10%
authority 2.02%
people 1.99%
court 1.59%
lot 1.27%
judge 1.16%
doctor 1.05%
friend 1.02%
official 0.98%
company 0.62%
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