31.   International sanctions should be placed on countries involved in arms shipments to the region.

32.   Israel accuses Shakabi of arranging an arms shipment from Iran that was intercepted by Israeli forces in the Red Sea in January.

33.   It is a transit point for arms shipments from Iran that flow to Hezbollah terrorist organizations attacking Israel.

34.   Members of Congress have repeatedly complained about Russian arms shipments to Iran and demanded that the administration seek sanctions against Moscow.

35.   Nor will Washington share intelligence reports with its closest allies on arms shipments sent by sea, land or air.

36.   Of his alleged involvement in arms shipments, Azima said in the interview that any airline that does business with the government often has military contracts.

37.   On Bosnia, for example, Dole staked out a tough position early and often, calling repeatedly for the United States to lift the embargo on arms shipments.

38.   Palestinian Authority officials dismissed the charges of any Iranian involvement in their struggle against Israel and denied that Arafat knew of the arms shipment.

39.   Pentagon officials initially argued for stopping arms shipments to Croatia, but relented.

40.   Perry, more than once, expressed concern about Iranian arms shipments, said a senior Pentagon official, though he never tried to get them stopped.

n. + shipment >>共 212
arm 12.18%
aid 10.75%
drug 7.48%
food 6.20%
oil 5.91%
weapon 4.34%
fuel 3.06%
cocaine 2.71%
air 2.49%
cargo 2.14%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
每页显示:    共 170