31.   The Saudi government announced a crackdown this year on thousands of Indians and Pakistanis working illegally to the oil-rich, labor-poor Gulf.

32.   Following that attack, Rwandan authorities announced a crackdown on Hutu extremists.

33.   French Sports Minister Guy Drut announced a crackdown on Tuesday on sportsmen using cannabis, following a string of positive tests in football, handball, basketball and athletics.

34.   He also announced a crackdown in the prison system.

35.   The raids came hours after Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf announced a crackdown on Islamic extremists but vowed continued moral and political support for separatists in Indian Kashmir.

36.   Zairean authorities on Monday announced a crackdown on foreign reporters covering the crisis in the central African nation, where rebels have seized half the country.

37.   Musharraf last Saturday announced a crackdown on Islamic extremism and banned five radical groups.

38.   South African Interior Minister Mangosuthu Buthelezi announced a crackdown Tuesday on the flood of illegal immigrants coming mostly from neighbouring countries.

39.   The crackdown was announced by Interior Minister Charles Pasqua after fundamentalists murdered five French gendarmes and consular staff in Algeria.

40.   The government has announced a crackdown on local NGOs to prevent what it calls exploitaion of the groups for individual interests.

v. + crackdown >>共 189
launch 17.53%
order 6.77%
begin 5.08%
end 4.57%
announce 3.39%
promise 2.79%
continue 2.79%
protest 2.54%
follow 2.54%
justify 2.46%
announce + n. >>共 634
plan 11.97%
decision 5.62%
result 3.20%
resignation 2.55%
agreement 2.35%
intention 2.21%
retirement 2.20%
deal 2.09%
candidacy 1.73%
date 1.64%
crackdown 0.17%
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