31.   Washington, Moscow and former colonial power Portugal are the three countries which underwrote the Angolan peace settlement.

32.   Leaders of the southern African Frontline States group will meet here Saturday in a last-ditch effort bid to save a threatened Angolan peace pact, Zambian officials said Friday.

33.   Leaders of southern African frontline states are to meet here Saturday in a last ditch bid to save the Angolan peace process from the threat of imminent collapse.

34.   Negotiations continued Friday morning among African diplomats and Portugal, Russia and the United States, sponsors of the Angolan peace accords over the proposed sanctions.

35.   Several other rounds of Angolan peace talks have collapsed before.

36.   South African President Nelson Mandela on Tuesday resumed talks with Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi on the Angolan peace process.

37.   Southern African leaders should hold an urgent meeting to prevent the Angolan peace process from collapsing, Frontline States foreign ministers decided at a meeting in Harare Friday.

38.   South Africa has become involved in Angolan peace efforts at the request of UN mediator Blondin Beye.

39.   South Africa has agreed to mediate in the Angolan peace process, Deputy President Thabo Mbeki and Angolan former rebel leader Jonas Savimbi announced here Wednesday.

40.   The Angolan peace accord was signed Sunday in Lusaka, officials said.

a. + peace >>共 587
international 5.25%
nato-led 4.56%
lasting 3.79%
final 3.58%
bosnian 3.53%
new 3.40%
permanent 3.06%
arab-israeli 2.84%
stalled 2.81%
fragile 1.95%
angolan 0.32%
angolan + n. >>共 171
government 22.24%
rebel 8.52%
capital 7.71%
troop 5.65%
army 4.93%
peace 3.59%
official 2.96%
soldier 2.69%
leader 2.06%
radio 1.97%
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