31.   Swedish Neo-Classical style has labored to make an impression on American shores for nearly a decade, but so far, to no avail.

32.   That rankles more than a few advocates whose concern for public health extends beyond American shores.

33.   The duty of President Clinton is to warn against possible threats to U.S. interests arising thousands of miles from American shores.

34.   There are signs that the Asian underground has infiltrated American shores.

35.   They called for a naval blockade of Cuba and some argued that the United States should rescind a law that forbids individuals from launching an invasion from American shores.

36.   Today, though, much of the Caribbean remains a sea of poverty lapping against American shores, at times bearing unwelcome waves of desperate migrants.

37.   To the government, Yousef represents a new breed of terrorist, one intent on bringing overseas conflicts to American shores.

38.   Under U.S. law, any Cuban who reaches American shores is granted automatic asylum as a political refugee.

39.   Until I went to Rome this summer, the word pilgrim usually conjured up images of the dour early arrivals on American shores.

40.   Wayne Ayers, chief economist at BankBoston, said the bad news from Asia may just be arriving on American shores.

a. + shore >>共 196
american 7.39%
southern 5.43%
eastern 5.28%
northern 4.98%
western 4.68%
italian 4.22%
south 4.22%
opposite 4.22%
rocky 3.92%
distant 2.56%
american + n. >>共 1107
official 3.64%
company 2.23%
people 2.01%
flag 1.99%
troop 1.95%
soldier 1.55%
history 1.27%
citizen 1.25%
woman 1.22%
business 1.07%
shore 0.07%
每页显示:    共 49