31.   Last month, the ANC floated a proposal to amend the law establishing the commission to include group as well as individual amnesty.

32.   Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg filed a separate concurring opinion that emphasized that Congress could amend the law if it chose to.

33.   Most of us try to convince ourselves that the law will be amended within several years.

34.   Moreover, it urges Congress to amend environmental laws so that it is easier to develop domestic resources and build new pipelines and transmission grids.

35.   Now, bills to amend that law are winding their way through both houses of Congress and could come to the floor before Congress recesses in the coming days.

36.   Opponents, such as a group of Republicans in Congress who are hoping to amend the law, say Title IX has degenerated into a quota-filling process.

37.   Stevens notes that the act has allowed the president to amend laws passed by Congress by repealing portions of those laws.

38.   Supporters say if the measure wins in California, similar efforts to amend state laws would be made across the country.

39.   That would, after all, be easier than having to amend the laws later.

40.   The cabinet amended the laws by fiat, but was hoping a newly elected Parliament would ratify them.

v. + law >>共 518
violate 9.53%
pass 9.12%
break 6.53%
enforce 5.17%
change 4.12%
have 3.37%
enact 2.36%
practice 2.01%
use 1.65%
repeal 1.52%
amend 0.95%
amend + n. >>共 172
constitution 16.68%
law 16.00%
bill 6.38%
legislation 5.20%
treaty 4.12%
charter 4.12%
rule 2.26%
plan 1.96%
charge 1.67%
agreement 1.47%
每页显示:    共 162