31.   Her immunity agreement included a no-talk provision.

32.   However, the agreement also included specific language regarding the rights and responsibilities connected with the space.

33.   In fact, the eventual surrender agreement included this provision.

34.   In addition, the agreement includes possible raises in the second and third years of the contract.

35.   In return, the agreement also includes cuts in capital gains and estate taxes that Republicans have championed since the negotiations over the budget began last winter.

36.   Israelis maintain that the agreement includes secret security measures that the United States will oversee.

37.   Its proponents said an agreement could include the elimination of tariffs and quotas on services, on new telecommunications products and on government procurement policies.

38.   Ms. Oberdorf, the Aetna spokeswoman, said that the agreement includes a strong safety net for all its employees who may be affected.

39.   Norman Gaar, bond lawyer for Overland Park, said the agreement did not include an exact timetable for Sprint or its successors to complete construction of the campus.

40.   Open-skies agreements have often included immunity from antitrust claims.

n. + include >>共 1161
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coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
agreement 0.62%
agreement + v. >>共 391
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