31.   Rear Admiral Edward Kristensen refused to elaborate on the discovery, which could advance the theory of an explosion in the baggage hold area of the plane.

32.   The car bomb theory was advanced shortly after the blast but officials said that the discovery of a Renault radiator in the rubble has given it new weight.

33.   The discovery advances theories on star formations.

v. + theory >>共 377
have 10.87%
support 8.75%
test 6.98%
offer 3.39%
develop 3.24%
reject 2.31%
dismiss 2.26%
prove 2.02%
advance 1.62%
put 1.43%
advance + n. >>共 502
cause 5.15%
runner 4.29%
technology 2.82%
career 2.76%
force 2.09%
theory 2.02%
interest 1.90%
idea 1.60%
ball 1.41%
talk 1.41%
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