31.   Most likely, they will have to go through the entire new adoption process from the start.

32.   Nanuli Shevardnadze has opposed foreign adoptions and says Georgia needs a law that would regulate the adoption process and take it out of control of shady private groups.

33.   Now back in Illinois, the McGlynns are waiting for a court date to be set for them to complete the adoption process in Russia.

34.   Romania enforced a ban on international adoptions in October after the European Union had pressured it to do so, arguing the adoption process was riddled with corruption.

35.   She pointed to his support in Texas for legislation on parental notification, abstinence education and a streamlined adoption process.

36.   Spokesman Ker Soksidney insisted that enough controls existed in the adoption process to ensure there was no blatant buying and selling of children.

37.   Some American families have reported problems, delays and corruption on the Russian side in the adoption process.

38.   The agency is also reviewing the adoption process for Vietnamese children.

39.   The European Union, which Romania wants to join, had urged the ban due to rampant corruption in the adoption process.

40.   The government issued the ban in October at the request of the European Union, which criticized rampant corruption in the international adoption process.

n. + process >>共 614
peace 53.12%
selection 3.08%
appeal 2.05%
approval 1.32%
impeachment 1.27%
review 1.20%
election 1.18%
production 1.08%
application 0.94%
budget 0.82%
adoption 0.24%
adoption + n. >>共 158
agency 21.19%
process 7.06%
law 4.40%
record 4.24%
service 3.61%
program 2.98%
paper 2.67%
procedure 2.35%
official 2.20%
assistance 1.57%
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