31.   But this week he steered in the opposite direction -- entering an agreement with all major political parties to adopt rules for fair elections and cooperation.

32.   CART adopted rules this year prohibiting such a maneuver.

33.   China balks at adopting fair-trade rules, demanding exemptions that apply to small, developing countries.

34.   Coulson said he also asked the NASD to consider adopting suitability rules that would restrict investment in Pink Sheet securities to sophisticated investors.

35.   Democratic members stormed out of the House Wednesday when Republicans adopted a rule that made the Thomas proposal the only bill in order for consideration.

36.   Eventually the population grew so small that international rules were adopted making it illegal to own a vicuna or trade in its fleece.

37.   Executives in the financial industry typically try to adopt rules themselves, rather than waiting for the SEC to make the rules for them.

38.   Eventually, the Senate refused to recognize vice presidents as significant legislative officers, adopting rules that prevented them from addressing the Senate, except by unanimous consent.

39.   For example, the FAA said that airports should adopt consistent rules for runway signs and markers.

40.   Gingold said that if the rule was adopted, he would challenge it in court.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
adopt 1.67%
adopt + n. >>共 790
resolution 6.22%
child 5.58%
policy 5.10%
measure 4.35%
law 3.87%
rule 3.05%
euro 2.72%
plan 2.48%
legislation 1.98%
standard 1.84%
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