31.   Marzel and Federman, who were both held in administrative detention after the massacre, have spearheaded a campaign to glorify Goldstein.

32.   Ly was placed under administrative detention, the equivalent of house arrest, after his testimony to the U.S. committee in February.

33.   Mrs. Federman said that the warrant served her husband said he was arrested under administrative detention for two months.

34.   On Sunday, Noam Federman, a prominent member of the outlawed anti-Arab Kach movement, was ordered held in administrative detention for two months.

35.   On Sunday, Noam Federman, an activist in the outlawed anti-Arab Kach movement, was ordered held for two months without charges in so-called administrative detention.

36.   One-third of the detainees are held in so-called administrative detention, without benefit of charges or trial.

37.   Several members of anti-Arab groups had their movement restricted, and one was ordered held for three months in so-called administrative detention, without benefit of a trial.

38.   Shmuel Citron, a resident of the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, was taken into administrative detention in early December.

39.   Some prisoners have been in administrative detention for up to nine years, it said.

40.   Since then, he has been held under a series of administrative detention orders, which allow the state to hold prisoners without trial for up to six months.

a. + detention >>共 234
juvenile 11.86%
indefinite 9.11%
arbitrary 5.05%
administrative 4.72%
illegal 4.13%
continued 4.06%
home 4.00%
federal 3.60%
pretrial 2.42%
pre-trial 2.29%
administrative + n. >>共 498
cost 5.83%
leave 4.60%
law 4.56%
assistant 3.48%
office 3.33%
reform 2.63%
duty 2.14%
officer 1.99%
court 1.82%
staff 1.65%
detention 1.53%
每页显示:    共 72