31.   If the Clinton administration proposes breaching the dams, the issue would then go to Congress, which must appropriate the money.

32.   If the payments to hospitals fall well below inflation, as the Clinton administration proposes, then Massachusetts jobs could be threatened.

33.   In a change that could speed up deportations, the Bush administration is proposing to streamline the way thousands of immigration cases are handled.

34.   In defending the automatic stay provision before the Supreme Court, the administration proposed a new reading of the provision.

35.   In June, just as it became clear that Congress would revamp Medicare this year, the Clinton administration proposed changes in the way it pays for ambulance services.

36.   In April, the Giuliani administration proposed a major overhaul of zoning laws that would impose limits on the height of skyscrapers.

37.   In March, the Clinton administration proposed a broad plan to revamp the IRS that would give the Treasury Department a stronger hand in running the service.

38.   In response, the Whitman administration proposed new programs that Verniero said Monday could be paid for within existing school budgets.

39.   In the current measure, the administration proposed to lift a ban that prohibits states from charging tolls on existing interstate highways.

40.   In March, the Clinton administration proposed a broader plan to revamp the IRS that would give the Treasury Department a stronger hand in running the Internal Revenue Service.

n. + propose >>共 547
government 11.02%
administration 6.45%
official 3.79%
president 3.60%
commission 2.63%
company 2.44%
group 2.10%
plan 1.97%
governor 1.94%
lawmaker 1.85%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
propose 1.16%
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