31.   U.S. Embassy spokesman Stan Schrager said the Clinton administration was preparing to restore Aristide to power in Haiti on Saturday.

32.   With little support evident for the establishment of a weapons exclusion zone, the Clinton administration prepared a fall-back plan.

33.   Administration prepares aid for Bosnian Serbs.

34.   Administration prepares aid to help unify Serb republic.

35.   Behind the scenes, U.S. officials said the administration was preparing to heighten its involvement in the Middle East crisis by offering a roadmap for peace talks.

36.   His administration is preparing to privatize three electric utilities, for instance, and he has announced plans to cut the budget deficit in half.

37.   Lyman said the Clinton administration is preparing a plan to pay its back dues.

38.   Meanwhile, Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta said the administration was preparing a package of relief for U.S. airlines, hit hard by financial problems and security concerns.

39.   Reports that the administration was preparing to propose a Palestinian state surfaced last week.

40.   She said the Clinton administration is preparing a report for the U.S. Congress on the reasons and estimated costs of NATO expansion.

n. + prepare >>共 920
government 5.32%
official 3.67%
company 3.20%
team 2.85%
time 2.20%
force 1.73%
police 1.65%
authority 1.47%
group 1.45%
troop 1.42%
administration 1.18%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
prepare 0.30%
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