31.   Apart from the one-on-one meetings, Almaty will provide the two leaders with a platform to present their case, and both are expected to address the summit.

32.   Both are expected to address the summit on Tuesday.

33.   Bush landed here Thursday afternoon and was to address the summit Friday before travelling on to Peru at the weekend.

34.   Chinese Prime Minister Li Peng and Cuban President Fidel Castro are among the world leaders who will be addressing the summit later in the week.

35.   Deve Gowda will address the summit on Saturday, and discuss the issue of foreign investment in India with industrialists there.

36.   The Palestinian leadership swiftly announced Arafat would not visit Beirut, but that he would address the summit it by satellite link-up instead.

37.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was to address the summit later Friday.

38.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was to address the summit.

39.   Later Sunday, South African President Nelson Mandela is due to address the summit.

40.   Later in the day, Albanian President Sali Berisha, and Vice President of Sudan Major General Alzubeir Salih were to address the summit, which continues until Friday.

v. + summit >>共 275
attend 23.02%
hold 14.35%
reach 5.88%
host 3.75%
boycott 2.54%
convene 2.46%
follow 2.34%
open 2.13%
address 1.96%
cancel 1.63%
address + n. >>共 1243
issue 13.86%
problem 9.10%
concern 5.95%
question 3.32%
crowd 2.58%
nation 2.32%
need 1.86%
conference 1.73%
meeting 1.49%
rally 1.42%
summit 0.48%
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