31.   But actions also have consequences.

32.   But even short of bringing charges, the recent enforcement actions have had an effect.

33.   But Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock, who welcomed news of the breakthrough, said the action had nothing to do with the protests.

34.   But Hess, who has studied state intervention in the Chicago public schools, said the action had a downside.

35.   But neither has he disavowed them, and it has become apparent in the last week that the actions have his tacit approval, if not his outright authorization.

36.   But that action can have a variety of negative side effects, he said.

37.   But what kind of impact do such actions have?

38.   Critics of the commission have suggested its actions have a partisan motivation.

39.   Every action has a reaction.

40.   Four of those interviewed agreed to be identified by name, even though they said they feared their actions would have repercussions to their families.

n. + have >>共 1318
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action + v. >>共 799
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