31.   While some dismissed the move as a public-relations ploy, Berezovsky said he was acting to prevent Putin from further consolidating control over Russian politics and society.

32.   Palestinian police commanders said they acted to prevent riots because of concern that Israel would seize some Palestinian-run areas from which stones and firebombs had been thrown.

33.   Police sources said they had acted to prevent planned violence by Bulatovic supporters.

34.   But some press reports from the Turkish Cypriot side say authorities have not acted to prevent such acts.

35.   But, he said, the European and other nations must act to prevent the situation from becoming worse.

36.   Buyoya also said neighboring countries should act to prevent Hutu rebels from crossing freely from Rwanda and Tanzania into Burundi.

37.   Chang said Tokyo must act to prevent similar incidents that might harm friendly ties and peace and security in the region, according to a statement.

38.   Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer suggested Israel might scale back its demands and pull out in exchange for assurances Arafat would act to prevent any further attacks.

39.   Cyprus has also ordered Russian anti-aircraft missiles, and Turkey has warned it will act to prevent their deployment.

40.   FIFA was finally forced to act to prevent being left behind by national federations.

v. + prevent >>共 399
do 11.92%
use 7.18%
act 5.60%
work 4.61%
can 4.15%
intervene 3.82%
deploy 2.64%
fight 2.11%
impose 1.45%
close 1.25%
act + v. >>共 296
prevent 9.24%
protect 7.61%
stop 5.22%
accord 4.57%
ensure 1.85%
end 1.85%
make 1.63%
save 1.52%
reduce 1.52%
halt 1.41%
每页显示:    共 85