31.   The secretary-general accused the guerrillas of undermining peace talks by continuing attacks, hijacking a civilian jetliner and kidnapping a Colombian senator, Eckhard said.

32.   The Serbs accuse the guerrillas of attacking them, while the KLA says it is only responding to attacks from Serb police.

33.   The Sudanese government says it wants to postpone scheduled peace talks with a rebel group after accusing the guerrillas of violating a cease-fire, an official newspaper reported Monday.

34.   Vajpayee accused the guerrillas Monday of trying to alter the Line of Control, the cease-fire line established by India and Pakistan in their last war.

35.   Vajpayee accused the guerrillas of trying to alter the Line of Control, the cease-fire line established by India and Pakistan in their last war.

36.   Israel accused Hezbollah guerrillas Thursday of violating a truce agreement by firing mortar shells from civilian villages at an Israeli-controlled outpost in south Lebanon.

37.   Iranian warplanes raided a Kurdish rebel base inside Iraqi territory earlier this month after accusing the guerrillas of launching cross-border attacks.

38.   Algeria, which has frequently accused the guerrillas of receiving outside support, broke off diplomatic relations with Iran last year.

39.   The president, who initiated peace talks with the LTTE after coming to power in August, accused Tiger guerrillas of slowing down the peace process.

40.   The Tiger guerrillas were also accused by police of trying to assassinate a rival Tamil leader, Douglas Devananda, in Colombo overnight Monday.

v. + guerrilla >>共 296
kill 25.47%
fight 5.00%
support 2.58%
blame 2.47%
accuse 2.36%
wound 2.15%
arm 2.04%
train 1.88%
attack 1.56%
battle 1.40%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
guerrilla 0.39%
每页显示:    共 44