31.   The latest ABM accords include spelling out the way each country notifies the others about test launches of shorter-range missiles.

32.   Though interim peace accords include extradition of suspected Palestinian terrorists to Israel, the Palestinian Authority has never turned over anyone but minor criminals.

33.   Unlike a similar deal reached with Mexico, this accord will also include the financial services sector.

34.   He said the Schengen accords included a safety clause.

35.   Abed Rabbo said they had agreed that the interim accord would include a gradual release of Palestinian prisoners.

36.   Arafat has accepted the principle of a gradual redeployment but demands that any accord includes a clear timetable for a pullback in all West Bank towns.

37.   Arafat has accepted the principle of a gradual redeployment but demands that the accord includes a clear timetable for a pullback in all West Bank towns.

38.   Each accord includes a human rights clause which allows the EU to suspend preferential trade arrangements.

39.   The spokesman said the military-technical accord would include speeding up the pace of nuclear disarmament.

40.   The so-called Camp David accords included a plan for eventual Palestinian autonomy.

n. + include >>共 1161
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accord 0.11%
accord + v. >>共 388
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