21.   McCain said he was open to a suggestion made by Lott after the vote to negotiate an even broader disclosure amendment that could withstand House scrutiny.

22.   Most important of all, General Lebed has to withstand the scrutiny of two election campaigns and a spell in parliament.

23.   Mindful of those concerns, Diaz de la Portilla has crafted a carefully-drawn program that some experts say may withstand the scrutiny of the courts.

24.   Nonetheless, a spokeswoman for state Attorney General Bill Lockyer said he will pursue a more narrowly crafted law that will withstand constitutional scrutiny.

25.   Nor do claims central to Christian tradition withstand scrutiny, Provine said.

26.   Neither argument withstands scrutiny.

27.   Pestell suggested, however, that the investor seek professional advice before attempting any such exercise to make sure it is done properly and will withstand scrutiny.

28.   Privately, IOC scientists say they are concerned about whether the tests will withstand legal scrutiny.

29.   Some Clinton political advisers say that his lawyers have persuasively argued internally that the accusations of perjury would not withstand legal scrutiny.

30.   Since plants have also yielded many drugs recognized as effective by western medicine, it is likely that some of these herbal cures would withstand scientific scrutiny.

v. + scrutiny >>共 137
face 13.69%
draw 5.78%
withstand 5.45%
avoid 4.92%
undergo 4.49%
receive 3.96%
escape 3.64%
get 2.99%
increase 2.89%
survive 2.89%
withstand + n. >>共 347
pressure 6.38%
challenge 5.33%
scrutiny 4.86%
attack 2.95%
impact 2.29%
test 2.10%
rigor 2.10%
shock 1.90%
earthquake 1.81%
loss 1.43%
每页显示:    共 51