21.   Every weekday morning, my three dogs and I go for an early walk in Central Park.

22.   Every weekday morning, the show represents stark break with Weather Channel tradition.

23.   Every weekday morning long lines of traffic snake out of the mountain suburbs, causing commutes to lengthen year by year.

24.   Every weekday morning, Samantha Chang rushes to her bus stop in Staten Island so that she will be near the front of the line.

25.   Every weekday morning, Tommy Michos leaves his new eight-bedroom house with the dolphin fountain in front and takes the train to Penn Station.

26.   From then on I popped out of bed every weekday morning and gulped down my Rice Krispies so as not to be a second late to greet that bus.

27.   He still goes there for a couple of hours on weekday mornings.

28.   I was the only person there for awhile, until I was finally joined by two couples, apparently the only other guests on a weekday morning.

29.   I went out to San Francisco International Airport on a recent weekday morning to talk things over with fliers selected at random.

30.   I was curious about what gospel music would be offered on a weekday morning.

n. + morning >>共 112
weekday 16.51%
winter 14.15%
spring 9.91%
summer 8.49%
sun 6.60%
weekend 4.25%
hour 4.01%
week 3.77%
fall 2.83%
election 1.18%
weekday + n. >>共 100
morning 23.10%
afternoon 15.84%
lunch 3.96%
evening 3.30%
night 3.30%
game 1.98%
paper 1.98%
meal 1.65%
crowd 1.65%
schedule 1.65%
每页显示:    共 70