21.   On any weekday afternoon, the track at Georgia Tech resembles the warmup field at the Olympic Games.

22.   On a recent weekday afternoon, a few cars rattled along Main Street, barely outracing the fog that drifted down from the nearby mountains.

23.   On a recent weekday afternoon, I decided to try it, this time alone.

24.   On a weekday afternoon at Common Grounds in suburban Northridge, dozens of young men and women lounge at tables.

25.   On a weekday afternoon, every female in town was wearing an ankle-length dress.

26.   On an average weekday afternoon it looks like a Saturday bazaar.

27.   On weekday afternoons, Brown broadcasts a call-in radio talk show from his apartment in the commune.

28.   On a recent weekday afternoon, several men relaxing with cocktails and cigars were puffing away beneath the pristine west-wall mural.

29.   On a recent weekday afternoon, smokers puffed happily away, flicking their cigarette ashes into glasses.

30.   Perhaps it would have run on weekday afternoons, as an alternative to talk shows for kids coming home from school.

n. + afternoon >>共 86
summer 21.01%
weekday 12.15%
weekend 9.62%
spring 7.09%
fall 6.33%
cloudiness 5.32%
sun 5.32%
winter 4.56%
week 2.03%
session 1.52%
weekday + n. >>共 100
morning 23.10%
afternoon 15.84%
lunch 3.96%
evening 3.30%
night 3.30%
game 1.98%
paper 1.98%
meal 1.65%
crowd 1.65%
schedule 1.65%
每页显示:    共 48