21.   Black and white audiences are watching the show.

22.   Boys are increasingly dressing like adults, watching television shows for adults and having sex.

23.   -- Interactive television systems such as AOLTV let friends miles apart chat while watching shows together.

24.   A couple of people actually said they got chills watching the show, although that probably had more to do with the imperial strains of Elgar.

25.   A burly motorcycle policeman lingers at an intersection after the light has changed to green, to tell Mr. Rogers he still watches the show.

26.   A lot of them tell me they still watch GH because they grew up watching the show with their mothers or grandmothers.

27.   A purist, Jackson will only watch the show in black and white, not color.

28.   A lot of grandpas watching this show with their families are going to have some explaining to do.

29.   After returning home from work in the evening, they would turn on the television again and watch news shows through dinner.

30.   But should I watch a show glorifying the devil?

v. + show >>共 905
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run 3.56%
see 3.14%
do 2.87%
produce 2.79%
cancel 2.00%
make 1.99%
open 1.81%
have 1.77%
watch + n. >>共 945
television 7.00%
game 6.18%
movie 3.36%
film 3.08%
video 2.15%
show 1.91%
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match 1.43%
development 1.19%
news 1.13%
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