21.   The radar was dismantled during the waning years of the Soviet Union at the insistence of the United States, which was primarily worried about the Soviet military threat.

22.   The waning years of a century lend themselves to elegant doodling in the margins, as Wilde knew.

23.   Thus, in the waning years of our century, those of an undogmatic nature are unwilling to even address truth.

24.   Why was Seabiscuit so successful in stealing the attention, and the imagination, of a nation lost in the waning years of the Depression?

25.   Both Bokros and Suranyi are graduates of the Karl Marx University of Economics of Budapest, and were prominent reform economists in the waning years of Communist rule.

26.   But some see its intervention as an attempt to exert authority over Hong Kong and upstage the British in the waning years of colonial rule.

27.   Even in his waning years, Bonanno was unable to avoid the attention of prosecutors.

28.   In the waning years of white-minority rule, the goverment edged away from overt apartheid but sought to maintain some of its privileges.

29.   Leary turned his battle with terminal cancer into a media event on the World Wide Web, that realm of cyberspace that he explored diligently in his waning years.

30.   Milosevic rose to power in Yugoslavia during the waning years of communist power in Europe.

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waning + n. >>共 115
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