21.   The vote also reflects a certain anti-New York sentiment.

22.   These votes reflect a generous, expansive mood.

23.   There will be a change, the vote reflected that.

24.   Though the vote reflected discontent over other issues, divisions over the Ramsey investigation were a factor.

25.   Those votes better reflect the will of the people, and so the party elders will have a difficult time installing anyone other than Koizumi as their president.

26.   This time the vote reflected the anger of most U.N. members at the decision to mug the secretary general.

27.   With Republicans and Democrats split on the merits of the proposal, the final vote reflected the bipartisan nature of support and opposition.

28.   A Western diplomat said a strong negative vote could reflect discontent among delegates from poorer inland provinces that the richer coastal provinces are becoming too powerful.

29.   Although the resolution is non-binding, the lopsided vote reflects strong international opposition to the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

30.   Delegates Dai Xianlu, from Sichuan and Liu Yongfu, from northeastern Heilongjiang province said the votes reflected reality.

n. + reflect >>共 1445
price 3.52%
increase 2.40%
result 2.29%
figure 1.99%
decline 1.53%
number 1.53%
move 1.50%
change 1.35%
comment 1.20%
report 1.15%
vote 0.84%
vote + v. >>共 499
be 37.03%
come 8.17%
go 4.24%
take 2.97%
have 1.82%
count 1.67%
follow 1.44%
mean 1.25%
reflect 0.97%
pass 0.91%
每页显示:    共 51