21.   Their naughtiness allows them to voice sentiments that in other hands might be unbearably preachy and mawkish.

22.   Unloading his car after returning home, Ronen Tzuri voiced similar sentiments.

23.   Yet she readily voiced sentiments that would be expected of a candidate.

24.   Qatar has voiced similar sentiments.

25.   A handful of Chinese critics have voiced similar sentiments.

26.   A short distance to the southwest, through thick forests and across tangled rivers hemmed by anthill-like shafts dug by gold miners, similar sentiments were voiced.

27.   A similar sentiment was voiced in Cedar Rapids by Gore supporter Chuck Silliman.

28.   Anti-refugee sentiments have been voiced in other host countries.

29.   Any group or organization wishing to voice political sentiment must first obtain police permission.

30.   Baker voices a sentiment that Woolcott, a former secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, would view with concern.

v. + sentiment >>共 387
echo 18.69%
express 6.57%
dampen 6.29%
share 6.20%
boost 3.41%
hurt 2.35%
reflect 2.31%
improve 1.82%
voice 1.66%
lift 1.58%
voice + n. >>共 286
concern 24.59%
support 12.06%
opposition 5.50%
hope 4.08%
fear 3.57%
opinion 3.34%
doubt 2.58%
optimism 2.06%
confidence 2.06%
objection 1.81%
sentiment 0.95%
每页显示:    共 41