21.   After midnight, two convoys of hearses brought them to the village church, where villagers paid their respects.

22.   After midnight, two convoys of hearses brought them to the village church, where villagers paid their respects in a short ceremony.

23.   Christians prayed Sunday, their day of worship, some in the burned out wrecks of village churches that had been set on fire during the religious clashes.

24.   From homes huddled round the village church, another dark tale of child sex has crept out to shock Belgium.

25.   Hembram confessed last week to setting fire to the vehicle where the Staineses were sleeping, outside a village church after a Bible study.

26.   Relatives held a wake at a village church until the early hours of Friday morning.

27.   Quiet relaxation, vacation mood and private atmosphere hardly existed any more despite the idyll of snowy peaks and village church.

28.   The bodies, taken down the mountain for identification, will be placed in coffins and laid in the village church.

29.   The young princes will return to Crathie village church on Monday for a private service in memory of their mother.

30.   They were later to be placed in coffins and laid in the village church.

n. + church >>共 156
parish 13.79%
village 5.76%
country 4.71%
area 3.84%
house 3.32%
hall 2.97%
mission 2.79%
mother 2.62%
brick 2.62%
week 2.44%
village + n. >>共 559
chief 4.19%
elder 4.15%
leader 3.43%
life 3.43%
guard 3.15%
official 2.79%
hall 2.44%
street 2.44%
school 2.40%
woman 2.16%
church 1.32%
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