21.   The end run around Congress was a gamble for Clinton, drawing on money that usually would be used to defend the value of the U.S. dollar.

22.   The coroner has said autopsy results could be used to defend lawsuits filed by death-row inmates who allege mistreatment or abuse.

23.   The Patriot is used to defend against aircraft and short-range ballistic missiles at medium and high altitudes.

24.   They note that loans and loan guarantees to Mexico are being provided by the same Treasury Department fund used to defend the dollar.

25.   They maintain equipment prepositioned here to be used to defend Kuwait against any further Iraqi aggression.

26.   In Britain, plastic bullets can only be used to defend human lives, and not material goods.

27.   A conference in London in July resolved that NATO airpower be used to defend UN-declared safe areas, including Sarajevo.

28.   Airpower was not used to defend them.

29.   It would not identify when or where they were being sent, but Patriot batteries were used to defend against Iraqi Scud missiles during the Gulf war.

v. + defend >>共 120
fight 8.59%
use 8.03%
die 7.76%
return 6.65%
rush 4.43%
do 3.05%
spend 2.77%
kill 2.22%
work 2.22%
act 1.94%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
defend 0.16%
每页显示:    共 29