21.   Unleaded petrol will be fourteen pence cheaper per gallon than leaded.

22.   He said oil companies have been very cooperative in enhancing the consumption on unleaded petrol in the country.

23.   Law also said the level of lead in the air has been reduced after the introduction of unleaded petrol.

24.   Last year, the consumption of leaded petrol was one million litres compared to five million litres for unleaded petrol.

25.   The unleaded petrol duty freezing was passed by a voice vote only.

26.   Three service stations in Cairo are also offering clients natural gas instead of petrol, as well as unleaded petrol.

27.   They cover the production of ethylene, propaline, and MTBE, a complex substance used in the production of unleaded petrol.

a. + petrol >>共 80
unleaded 17.42%
leaded 10.97%
lead-free 6.45%
free 2.58%
lower 1.94%
cut-price 1.94%
carrying 1.94%
national 1.94%
nigerian 1.94%
precious 1.29%
unleaded + n. >>共 12
gasoline 42.15%
petrol 22.31%
fuel 18.18%
gas 10.74%
alternative 0.83%
gazolene 0.83%
petroleum 0.83%
rose 0.83%
sound 0.83%
spirit 0.83%
每页显示:    共 27