21.   Under proposals being discussed, IPE would create trading pits for Nymex contracts, including West Texas Intermediate crude oil, unleaded gasoline and heating oil, Rappaport said.

22.   When it arrives, it is cleaned, cooked, distilled, and mixed with additives that produce everything from unleaded gasoline to kerosene and propane gas.

23.   While others were throwing their money away on dot-com this or dot-com that, I was wisely investing in frozen chickens and unleaded gasoline.

24.   Pertamina was previously the only company allowed to sell the raw materials for unleaded gasoline production.

25.   Petroleum suppliers told lawmakers that ethanol-blended fuels could be supplied to Nebraska for about the same price or cheaper than regular unleaded gasoline.

26.   Pertamina has introduced unleaded gasoline called Super TT and so far its sales have been successful.

27.   But they will not be equipped with fuel-efficient engines built to international environmental standards until the government can guarantee the reliability of unleaded gasoline, Schlais said.

28.   Crude oil and refined products futures closed lower Wednesday at the New York Mercantile Exchange with unleaded gasoline leading the way.

29.   Here are representative retail prices in May for a gallon of unleaded gasoline at major international markets.

30.   In fact, if enough vehicles use unleaded gasoline without catalytic converters, the resulting pollution will be even worse than that emitted by leaded fuel.

a. + gasoline >>共 324
reformulated 7.78%
higher 6.67%
unleaded 4.36%
high 3.93%
leaded 3.76%
domestic 2.65%
rising 2.40%
cleaner 2.40%
federal 2.40%
cheap 1.80%
unleaded + n. >>共 12
gasoline 42.15%
petrol 22.31%
fuel 18.18%
gas 10.74%
alternative 0.83%
gazolene 0.83%
petroleum 0.83%
rose 0.83%
sound 0.83%
spirit 0.83%
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