21.   Former Premier Andrei Lukanov was shot to death before his Sofia home by an unknown gunman last year.

22.   Georgy Karkarashvili and his former deputy Paatu Datuashvili were attacked by unknown gunmen Wednesday morning as they crossed a street to a Russian military academy where they were studying.

23.   He also said a truck of the U.N. relief agency was hijacked by unknown gunmen near Tuzla in the northeast.

24.   He was hit during an exchange of gunfire between his guards and unknown gunmen, who fled, it said.

25.   In the latest attack, an unknown gunman shot and killed the Roman Catholic owner of a taxi company near his office in south Belfast on Monday night.

26.   In the second shooting, ITAR-Tass said, unknown gunmen opened fire on a car carrying Iveri Chelidze, a commissioner under Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze.

27.   In the Staropromyslovsky of Grozny, unknown gunmen in camouflage Saturday opened fire on a bus carrying a group of builders.

28.   Independent NTV television reported Saturday night that unknown gunmen shot the family members overnight in their home in Grozny, the Chechen capital.

29.   In the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny, unknown gunmen in camouflage Saturday opened fire on a bus carrying a group of construction workers.

30.   Israeli troops shot and killed three Palestinian policemen in thick fog Monday after being fired on by an unknown gunman, Israeli and Palestinian security sources said.

a. + gunman >>共 274
palestinian 30.46%
unidentified 17.12%
masked 5.64%
lone 3.72%
the 3.72%
unknown 3.61%
suspected 3.08%
second 1.79%
armed 1.77%
alleged 1.71%
unknown + n. >>共 654
number 16.20%
assailant 8.26%
reason 6.09%
group 5.17%
gunman 3.79%
destination 3.29%
quantity 3.06%
attacker 2.44%
location 2.05%
origin 1.91%
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