21.   Labor officials dispute that the standard places undue burden on employers because companies do not have to take preventive action against hazardous conditions until an injury is reported.

22.   Nader said he was worried that the law targets terminally ill patients who suffer from depression or who worry about being an undue financial burden to their relatives.

23.   Public entities must make reasonable modifications to increase access unless an undue burden or fundamental alteration of the program would be needed.

24.   Spector said there was no reason to assume allowing claims from women who voted against the deal would create an undue burden on the companies.

25.   Spector said there was no reason to assume allowing claims from women who voted against the settlement would create an undue burden on the companies.

26.   Clinton said such a move would put undue burdens on US allies.

27.   China, explaining its decision to abstain, said the resolution put an undue financial burden on member states for a force fraught with military and political complications.

28.   Labor leaders also have criticized the measure for putting an undue burden on workers.

a. + burden >>共 325
financial 14.90%
heavy 10.99%
additional 2.84%
added 2.68%
extra 2.53%
greater 2.42%
unfair 2.27%
new 2.11%
economic 1.96%
regulatory 1.91%
undue 1.44%
undue + n. >>共 146
influence 16.40%
pressure 12.17%
hardship 5.64%
burden 4.94%
risk 4.06%
attention 2.82%
stress 2.47%
concern 2.12%
strain 1.94%
delay 1.94%
每页显示:    共 28