21.   Chirac, leading in the polls against Socialist Lionel Jospin but vulnerable to a large undecided vote, needs support from supporters of Le Pen.

22.   Instead, although ahead in the polls, he faces a large undecided vote.

23.   Swaying the undecided vote is believed to be a key to victory.

24.   The race between rightist Jaime Nebot of the Social Christian party and populist Abdala Bucaram of the Roldosista party hinges on a largely undecided vote.

25.   The undecided vote remains a wild card, and the far-right National Front, with its anti-immigrant stand, could play spoiler against the conservatives.

a. + vote >>共 555
final 6.59%
popular 4.76%
electoral 3.18%
presidential 2.62%
the 2.42%
first 2.13%
parliamentary 2.07%
unanimous 1.94%
new 1.85%
single 1.66%
undecided 0.24%
undecided + n. >>共 69
voter 55.64%
lawmaker 5.93%
member 5.16%
vote 4.78%
senator 3.06%
election 2.68%
column 1.53%
state 1.53%
woman 1.34%
issue 1.15%
每页显示:    共 25