21.   Friday, heavy snow will fall at high elevations over parts of the southern and central Rockies as the eastward-moving disturbance maintains its link with tropical moisture.

22.   Heavy showers and thunderstorms will skirt the central Gulf Coast as the low over the Gulf also summons tropical moisture northwestward.

23.   Heavy rains will douse parts of New England on Thursday as tropical moisture streams inland over a stalled front off the Northeast coast.

24.   Humidity will be low except over southern Florida, where the return of tropical moisture will promote widely scattered thundershowers.

25.   In the Western states, high-level winds from the south will draw tropical moisture north through the deserts of the Southwest into central parts of California and Nevada.

26.   In turn, the upper-level low drew a steady stream of tropical moisture northward, setting the stage for record rains.

27.   Increasing the chances of a sultry night was the arrival of humid air associated with a stream of tropical moisture spreading across much of the West.

28.   It takes most of June for the sultry winds to dominate the subcontinent with tropical moisture not reaching Delhi until early July.

29.   Kona lows negate the reliable northeasterly trade winds and incite winds from the south to carry rich tropical moisture over Hawaii.

30.   Late-afternoon and evening thunderstorms will flare over the high ground of the Southwest as tropical moisture holds steady.

a. + moisture >>共 149
tropical 10.58%
excess 8.20%
abundant 5.03%
low 4.89%
residual 4.63%
level 4.37%
pacific 3.70%
atlantic 3.57%
low-level 3.57%
ample 2.65%
tropical + n. >>共 428
wave 21.76%
depression 5.67%
forest 4.53%
fruit 3.66%
island 3.24%
moisture 2.59%
plant 2.49%
disease 2.40%
heat 2.20%
air 2.10%
每页显示:    共 80