21.   Thaksin denied Myanmar assertions that the troops acted with the knowledge of Thai leaders.

22.   The ministry said troops were acting on information provided by the U.N. court in The Hague established to prosecute war crimes and genocide in the former Yugoslavia.

23.   The strong statement said Israel will call off peace talks and let Israeli troops act with full force if the violence continues.

24.   The troops were acting on a tip that rebels were regrouping for a possible offensive, the officials said on condition of anonymity.

25.   Troops acted because it was vital to free the hundreds of hostages, including children, being held in the hospital, they said.

26.   Wiranto has insisted that his troops have acted in a neutral manner.

27.   In a related development, autopsy results unveiled Thursday confirmed that martial law troops acting on orders from Chun committed atrocities in Kwangju.

28.   In a meeting with UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Yeltsin complained that Russia troops were essentially acting as peacekeeping troops in its two troubled neighbors.

29.   During his historic first visit to Hong Kong in July, Major General Liu pledged that his PLA troops would act in a civilised fashion.

30.   Israeli security sources said earlier from Jerusalem that Israeli troops would act with restraint if Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat arrested militants.

n. + act >>共 1077
government 6.25%
police 3.68%
authority 2.13%
official 2.03%
court 1.83%
company 1.75%
man 1.63%
people 1.58%
president 1.25%
agency 1.12%
troop 0.84%
troop + v. >>共 705
be 9.57%
fire 3.05%
take 2.15%
withdraw 2.15%
enter 1.97%
kill 1.91%
remain 1.70%
leave 1.69%
move 1.65%
shoot 1.58%
act 0.17%
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