21.   It also looked as if she might have two-footed the landing on their side-by-side triple salchows.

22.   Meno and Sand were better despite her falling on a throw triple salchow.

23.   Nikodinov was floating along perfectly until falling on a triple salchow three minutes into her program.

24.   Nikodinov performed almost flawlessly through the first three minutes of her free skate, especially in nailing a triple salchow.

25.   Nikodinov was floating along brilliantly until falling on a triple salchow three minutes into her program.

26.   She doubled one jump while he did a triple salchow and he later did only a single axel compared to her double axel.

27.   The Hartsells skated cleanly, and their throw triple salchow was the best of the night.

28.   Their program included two complex lifts and dismounts and two superb throws, a triple loop and a triple salchow.

29.   Then she faltered on the next three, including an awkward split coming down from a triple salchow.

30.   Then she flopped a combination jump, bailing out of an attempted triple toe loop, before falling on the triple salchow.

a. + salchow >>共 12
triple 43.37%
quadruple 20.48%
quad 19.28%
first 4.82%
double 3.61%
energetic 1.20%
executed 1.20%
loop-triple 1.20%
quintuple 1.20%
single 1.20%
triple + n. >>共 258
axel 11.67%
lutz 7.28%
flip 4.98%
bogey 4.00%
bypass 3.74%
digit 3.28%
damage 3.28%
toe 2.89%
champion 2.82%
loop 2.75%
salchow 2.36%
每页显示:    共 36